Professor Bryony James is the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Waikato - Gig Executive

Professor Bryony James is the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Waikato

The University of Waikato has appointed Professor Bryony James to the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), where she will lead the delivery of the University’s strategic and research performance outcomes, including improving research performance, increasing external research funding and maximising the University’s benefit from the commercialisation of research.

Bryony has been employed at the University of Auckland since 1998.  Initially appointed in an academic capacity, Bryony has successfully progressed her career culminating in a Professorship in 2016 and the appointment as Deputy Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Engineering in the same year.  In this role, alongside the Dean, she has led the development and delivery of the research strategy for the Faculty.  Amongst other significant achievements, she has recently driven the Faculty’s strategy around increasing researcher engagement with te ao Māori.  Bryony’s own research is rooted in traditional materials science approaches and her current research focuses on the cross-section of materials, food and nutrition.  Bryony is a Fellow at Engineering NZ, a Member of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, a Member of the Institute of Directors and a Member of the Ako Aotearoa Academy.