Cheryl De Zilwa has been appointed as the next Chief Executive Officer at annecto - Gig Executive

Cheryl De Zilwa has been appointed as the next Chief Executive Officer at annecto

Cheryl has held Director and C-level leadership roles in health and human services sectors for the last 20 years. Her scope of experience embraces both NFP and private sectors and includes operational and strategic leadership positions in primary healthcare, disability services and aged care. 

Before her appointment at annecto, Cheryl has been engaged with Zenitas Healthcare. Since Cheryl joined Zenitas in 2018, the organisation has been highly acquisitive and it has grown rapidly. Initially joining as COO, Cheryl led the establishment of foundational systems for governance and service delivery, recruited key staff across the ELT and GM teams, facilitated the development of Zenitas’ mission, vision and strategy and commenced a Corporate-level Quality and Risk Management function. She has worked extensively with the Board and has been closely involved in Zenitas’ transition from an ASX-listed to a PE-owned enterprise and managed its submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care. For the last eight months, Cheryl acted as EGM/CEO-equivalent for Zenitas’ Community & Home Care segments, including full P&L responsibility for two significant revenue contributors to Zenitas’ overall business. 

Previously Cheryl was National Director Community Care at Calvary Community Care (CCC) for a period of five years. Cheryl led the CCC Executive Team to drive the strategic development and growth of the organisation and had full P&L responsibility. In this position, she oversaw ten private hospitals and four public hospitals, Retirement Communities and Community Care across six states and territories. Significantly Cheryl lead the transition from a funding-driven operating model to Consumer Directed Care (for Homecare), successfully transitioned the organisation and its clients to the NDIS and implemented a community partnership and care advisory service to grow the business.

Earlier Cheryl was CEO of Windermere Child and Family Services for a period of eight years. Windermere is a community based, NFP organisation which provides a broad range of services across Southern Victoria. Cheryl held full P&L responsibility and was accountable to the Board for leading the organisation’s development and strategy. Cheryl lead a broad range of reforms within the organisation including the recruitment of a new Board, stabilising the Executive Team and restructuring the senior management team. To underpin the longer-term success of the enterprise Cheryl also implemented a strong governance framework and won tenders to establish the Cardinia Community Centre and the Peninsula Early Learning Centre.